Game of Death II

Game of Death II Chinese , aka Tower of Death and The New Game of Death is a 1981 Hong Kong martial arts film directed by Ng Seeyuen starring Bruce Lee, Tong Lung, Huong Cheng Li and Roy Horan. This film was marketed as a sequel to Bruce Lees last and only partially completed film Game of Death. Bruce Lee died some years before the production of Game of Death II and most of his scenes are taken from Lees older films mostly from Enter the Dragon. Aside from the International English dub giving the Bruce Lee character the name Billy Lo, this movie would seem to have no connection with Robert Clouses film.

After a recent amount of challenges, Billy Lo Bruce Lee and his friend Chin Ku Huong Cheng Li begin to suspect that someone wants them dead. Billy later visits his younger brother Bobby Tong Lung, who is studying with Billys former teacher, and leaves him a book on Jeet Kune Do. Chin is soon killed, and Billy goes to Japan to find his stepdaughter, May. May tells him that Chin had visited just before his death, and left a film for her. They are suddenly attacked, but Billy manages to escape with the film.A few days later Billy attends Chins funeral, where he is turned away from viewing the body. A helicopter arrives during the burial and steals the coffin away. Trying to prevent the theft, Billy is carried up with the casket but falls to his death. Bobby Lo is told of Billys death by their father, who tells him to find a man named Sherman Lan and avenge his brother. Sherman gives him the film, which shows Chin Ku at the Palace of Death. The Palace of Death is run by a crazed martial arts expert by the name of Lewis Roy Horan. Any challenger who fails to defeat Lewis is fed to his pack of lions. Bobby decides to meet Lewis, who is impressed with Bobbys abilities. While investigating the Palace, Bobby is attacked by a masked man. Then, He informs Lewis that someone is trying to kill him. Later that night, a woman is sent to Bobbys room to seduce and assassinate him. When she fails, one of Lewis lions attacks Bobby. During the fight, the masked man appears and kills Lewis. ........

Source: Wikipedia